[Excerpt] – It may come as no surprise, but a lot of people can’t answer this fundamental yet vital question.
Oddly enough, while writing this book, it was during a phone conversation when a good friend asked me that very same question, point blank. I didn’t expect it and to be quite honest, it caught me off guard, totally. Much to my embarrassment, I couldn’t answer it at that moment. What is your calling in life? Hmmm, it was one of those menacing, inescapable questions that demanded an answer. I’ve pondered it myself throughout the years.
To this day I wrestle with the definitive answer because I’ve done so many things and I know I wouldn’t be happy just doing one of them. Whatever my own calling is in life, I’ve never believed it to be centered around just one single solitary thing, but having thought on it, that appears to be the case—at least partially. Having said all that, I’ve come to the conclusion that my calling in life at it’s core centers around motivation. Yep, that’s it, motivation. The majority of the public know me as a jazz guitarist/author, but those closest to me, know me as a husband, father, grandparent, dreamer, optimist and chronic motivator. Music is only a part of my life and in no way does it define the totality of who I am.
My goals, objectives and desires are quite varied. One thing I do know is, it drives my wife crazy. She insists, the scope of my constant conceptualizing, ideas, interests and projects tend to overwhelm her, but over the years she’s come to accept the cacophony of creative chaos that spews from my mind almost daily.
Now ask yourself, “What is my calling in life? Think about it and be honest with yourself. You will soon determine what the answer truly is. Take a long look back and see how it’s been applicable in your life thus far. You’ll be surprised to learn that much of what you finally realized about who you are can become the foundation of a new book project. All you have to do is start writing.
SelfPublishMe founder and author, Maurice Johnson shares insight on transforming one’s self from a dreamer to a doer, and the correlation between success and motivation throughout the process. THE POWER OF TRYING speaks to those who desire a greater sense of self-actualization, inspiration and personal achievement.
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I’m sure you’ll agree, ideas and motivation to write can derive from many sources. Often a real life occurrence, memories or a personality trait will work its way into your writing or a plot twist. Simple real-life interactions I’ve witnessed or experienced myself, especially the unique quirky idiosyncrasies of a friend, family member, or a distant observation of someone while out and about. Whatever the motivation, embrace it, use it. It’s the random, often unexpected things that can become a goldmine of inadvertent inventive writing ideas. Don’t overlook it. Real-life can make a great co-author. —Maurice Johnson/SelfPublishMe
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Are you the type of writer who’s more comfortable with using word prompts as a means of inspiration, or would your rather forge through strictly on your own creative genius?