Tag Archive self-publish


It’s YOUR turn to be empowered

We’re building a community of self-empowered authors. Come join us! —SelfPublishMe. LLC | selfpublishme.com


Stay tuned!

We’ve got more SelfPublishMe authors coming soon with exciting new books!


Where do great writing ideas come from?

I’m sure you’ll agree, ideas and motivation to write can derive from many sources. Often a real life occurrence, memories or a personality trait will work its way into your writing or a plot twist. Simple real-life interactions I’ve witnessed or experienced myself, especially the unique quirky idiosyncrasies of a friend, family member, or a distant observation of someone while out and about. Whatever the motivation, embrace it, use it. It’s the random, often unexpected things that can become a goldmine of inadvertent inventive writing ideas. Don’t overlook it. Real-life can make a great co-author. —Maurice Johnson/SelfPublishMe


Ready to self-publish your book?
Contact us and let’s get started.
Call or text: 405-367-1141
Email: info@selfpublishme.com


Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Denita Callins

Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Denita Callins for her new book titled: The Last Days, The End of Times: God’s Words of Inspiration, now on Amazon. 
It’s been a great pleasure working with Denita Callins on her journey to becoming a self-published author. Everyone has their own unique story in life, and Denita is no exception.
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of it.



Ready to self-publish your book?
Contact us and let’s get started.
Call: 405-367-1141
Email: info@selfpublishme.com


Getting the word out about SelfPublishMe

Hello everybody, and welcome to 2020. We hope the new year finds you well and with renewed ambition and drive to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Maybe that means buying a new car, or doing some home renovation, or maybe even taking that long awaited cruise. Whatever it is for you, go for it! For us, our goal for 2020 is to help many of you realize your dream of becoming a self-published author. When you become a self-published author, you become self-empowered. That’s what we’re really in the business of. We’re here to empower YOU to master your own destiny as a self-published author. What you once may have thought was an impossible task is indeed possible. We’re here to walk you step-by-step through the self-publishing process, until your book in in your hands. So, be sure to contact us. We’ll create a custom package specifically for your self-publishing needs, and take you through the entire process from start to print. Over the next few months we’ll be publishing a series of ads. Please help us out and tell which ads you like best. Better yet, tell us what you would like to see in one of our upcoming SelfPublishMe ads. —MAURICE JOHNSON | SelfPublishMe **Click on the image above to watch the video.**