Tag Archive Mexico


Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Connie Rau

Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Connie Rau for her new book titled, Mandy Goes to Mexico | Click Here to Order it Now at Amazon!

Connie Rau has been a singer and songwriter over the past several years. Her passion for projects involving children has brought her success with her MarNee Moose and Friends singalong CDs and a popular children’s book illustrated by VL Durand. Connie once said, “I developed the MarNee Moose character to be a positive influence in children’s lives. They love her—and she loves them back!”

After Connie entered a pre-K lunchroom where animated children waited for lunch in silence, her heart went out to the little ones. “They wanted to talk so badly!” she observed. So the only thing for Connie to do was to write about it on their behalf! Thus, the book, I Wish I Could Talk All The Time.

This latest book, Mandy Goes To Mexico, came about during a family trip to Mexico with her grandkids. It is filled with cousin fun and adventures guaranteed to make everyone laugh and even sigh a little bit.

Connie Rau continues to write about energetic children who provide her much inspiration. “Kids are nonstop and so are their stories!”

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