Tag Archive books


Getting the word out about SelfPublishMe

Hello everybody, and welcome to 2020. We hope the new year finds you well and with renewed ambition and drive to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Maybe that means buying a new car, or doing some home renovation, or maybe even taking that long awaited cruise. Whatever it is for you, go for it! For us, our goal for 2020 is to help many of you realize your dream of becoming a self-published author. When you become a self-published author, you become self-empowered. That’s what we’re really in the business of. We’re here to empower YOU to master your own destiny as a self-published author. What you once may have thought was an impossible task is indeed possible. We’re here to walk you step-by-step through the self-publishing process, until your book in in your hands. So, be sure to contact us. We’ll create a custom package specifically for your self-publishing needs, and take you through the entire process from start to print. Over the next few months we’ll be publishing a series of ads. Please help us out and tell which ads you like best. Better yet, tell us what you would like to see in one of our upcoming SelfPublishMe ads. —MAURICE JOHNSON | SelfPublishMe **Click on the image above to watch the video.**


New Book Release from Author, Maurice Johnson

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: OKC musician/author pens new book, “THE POWER OF TRYING, Finding Your Success”

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – April. 2019 – SelfPublishMe.com

“The power of trying is yours to command, so why not let it work in your favor?”, asks guitarist/author Maurice Johnson in his new book, THE POWER OF TRYING, Finding Your Success.

Johnson shares insight on transforming one’s self from a dreamer to a doer, and the correlation between success and motivation throughout the process. 

The Power of Trying speaks to those who desire a greater sense of self-actualization, inspiration and personal achievement.

With an impressive resume that spans well beyond his music career, Johnson’s achievements are diverse and far-reaching. He once co-founded a guitar company, working deals with major foreign and domestic musical instrument manufactures. After developing popular business software for musicians, he negotiated a book and licensing deal with one of his publishers. To date, he’s had featured articles in major industry magazines, with nearly twenty published book titles to his credit.

Also in this book, Johnson shares a rare behind the scenes look at how each of these endeavors became reality as a direct result of the power of trying.

Available on Amazon


Maurice Johnson is known to many as a world-class guitarist, indie jazz artist, musician’s advocate, and respected author of twenty self-published books, including three previous titles for the developing musician with publishers Mel Bay, Mix Books, Artist Pro Press, and Thomson Course Technology.

Early music-related works include The New Working Musician’s One Year Organizer, Build and Manage Your Music Career, and Gigorama. Maurice also developed Gigorama business management software for musicians.

He has been published in Realtor Magazine with an article titled, “Let the Music Play,” highlighting the use of live music in luxury home open-house markets. 


Maurice Johnson

Or mauricejohnson8@icloud.com


Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Maurice Johnson

Congratulations to Maurice Johnson for his latest book release, A PORTRAIT OF THOUGHTS, now available on Amazon and Kindle.


Ready to self-publish your book?
Contact us and let’s get started.
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Email: info@selfpublishme.com


Congratulations to SelfPublishMe Author, Richard Lynn Shepherd

Congratulations to Richard Lynn Shepherd for his new book release, TAKE TIME TO STOP SMOKING, now available on Amazon and Kindle.


Ready to self-publish your book?
Contact us and let’s get started.
Call: 405-367-1141
Email: info@selfpublishme.com


Congratulations to SelfPublishMe Author, Clifton Johnson

Congratulations to Clifton Johnson for his book release,

Five Shades Of Black: Scorpacan now available on Amazon and Kindle.

It’s no secret that a Scorpio man finds it hard to completely trust every lover he has in his life, but when a cancer woman indulges his mind, body and soul he has no problem letting his walls down so they can build a sexual kingdom together as soulmates.