I’m sure you’ll agree, ideas and motivation to write can derive from many sources. Often a real life occurrence, memories or a personality trait will work its way into your writing or a plot twist. Simple real-life interactions I’ve witnessed or experienced myself, especially the unique quirky idiosyncrasies of a friend, family member, or a distant observation of someone while out and about. Whatever the motivation, embrace it, use it. It’s the random, often unexpected things that can become a goldmine of inadvertent inventive writing ideas. Don’t overlook it. Real-life can make a great co-author. —Maurice Johnson/SelfPublishMe
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Are you the type of writer who’s more comfortable with using word prompts as a means of inspiration, or would your rather forge through strictly on your own creative genius?
Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Denita Callins for her new book titled: The Last Days, The End of Times: God’s Words of Inspiration, now on Amazon.
It’s been a great pleasure working with Denita Callins on her journey to becoming a self-published author. Everyone has their own unique story in life, and Denita is no exception.
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of it.
Ready to self-publish your book?
Contact us and let’s get started.
Call: 405-367-1141
Email: info@selfpublishme.com
Enjoy the art of words, and see your book project through to the end. We’re here to help you do that. Give us a call at: 405-367-1141, or email: info@selfpublishme.com. We’re ready to take you through the steps of becoming a self-published author.