Past accomplishments can fuel future accomplishments, just as past projects can fuel future projects. To keep things moving you will have to explore every nook and cranny of your imagination without questioning or second guessing yourself or your ideas.
Getting yourself and keeping yourself on a productive path will take some day-to-day planning and forethought. The less scattered your thoughts are each day, the more productive and creative your time can be. Optimize your personal productivity by getting in the habit of making a daily, Today I Intend To… check list for the following day, listing only the tasks that can realistically be accomplished within the course of one day. Make it a point to follow through with each one before moving on to the next. Something as simple as this can make a world of difference in increasing and tracking your daily productivity.
Try it for a month and watch your productivity increase tremendously. Something as simple as dropping clothes off at the cleaners, or brainstorming the logistics of a new idea, it all boils down to developing a sense of organized thought and following through to completion.
In essence, deadlines are nothing more than a series of short-term goals set with the intention of completing each one by a specified date. Once you’ve set deadlines and met them on time, your productivity will steadily increase along with your personal efficiency. You can apply the following steps to enhance your own personal productivity and meet established deadlines:
• Routinely write a list of all your current projects.
• Number the items in your list, arranging them in order of importance and including deadlines for each. (Be sure to give yourself realistic time constraints).
• Decide, (only when necessary) which projects can be deleted and continued at a later date.
• Starting with the highest-priority item, complete each one before moving to the next.
The key to meeting deadlines is not to overwhelm yourself with too many projects at once. Organization will play a critical role in your overall rate of success. Think about it. If you’re unorganized, with no established goals your personal productivity remains at a virtual standstill. It’s about the most damning thing you could do to your overall personal progress.
Maurice Johnson shares insight on transforming one’s self from a dreamer to a doer, and the correlation between success and motivation throughout the process.
THE POWER OF TRYING speaks to those who desire a greater sense of self-actualization, inspiration and personal achievement.
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