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Getting the word out about SelfPublishMe

Hello everybody, and welcome to 2020. We hope the new year finds you well and with renewed ambition and drive to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Maybe that means buying a new car, or doing some home renovation, or maybe even taking that long awaited cruise. Whatever it is for you, go for it! For us, our goal for 2020 is to help many of you realize your dream of becoming a self-published author. When you become a self-published author, you become self-empowered. That’s what we’re really in the business of. We’re here to empower YOU to master your own destiny as a self-published author. What you once may have thought was an impossible task is indeed possible. We’re here to walk you step-by-step through the self-publishing process, until your book in in your hands. So, be sure to contact us. We’ll create a custom package specifically for your self-publishing needs, and take you through the entire process from start to print. Over the next few months we’ll be publishing a series of ads. Please help us out and tell which ads you like best. Better yet, tell us what you would like to see in one of our upcoming SelfPublishMe ads. —MAURICE JOHNSON | SelfPublishMe **Click on the image above to watch the video.**


Step up and be great!

Don’t let moments of indecision repeat themselves again and again and again.


Tell us about it!

I’m always excited to hear about all the new book projects. Whatever we can do to help, that’s what we’re here for. Talk to us, we’ll listen! —Maurice Johnson | SelfPublishMe founder.


Freelance Editor Invite

Because we do not offer editing services, as a courtesy we are compiling a lineup of available freelance editors to be featured (free of charge).

The core of our services includes book cover design, interior formatting for Amazon POD and Kindle, copywriting, one-on-one Skype publishing coaching sessions, plus optional graphics and marketing add-on services.

If You’d like to participate, here’s what we need from you (asap):

  1. A brief bio that includes a description of your areas of expertise. Preferred subjects/genres.

  2. A professional profile headshot

  1. Contact information/preferred method of contact.

We will include your profile and contact info. on our Editor Referrals page as a resource for clients in need of editing services.


If a client choses your editing services, you will remain totally independent as a third party. Your editing terms, services, fees and payment arrangements will be strictly between you and the author. We only require that your services do not conflict, infringe or disrupt any scheduled or active client projects or workflow.

Your presence on will serve as your agreement to the aforementioned terms.


Maurice Johnson/CEO

Publishing consulting and design services

NOTE: Please submit requested materials and information to the following email address: