Category Archive News


Congratulations to SelfPublishMe Author, Richard Lynn Shepherd

Congratulations to Richard Lynn Shepherd for his new book release, TAKE TIME TO STOP SMOKING, now available on Amazon and Kindle.


Ready to self-publish your book?
Contact us and let’s get started.
Call: 405-367-1141


Congratulations to SelfPublishMe Author, Clifton Johnson

Congratulations to Clifton Johnson for his book release,

Five Shades Of Black: Scorpacan now available on Amazon and Kindle.

It’s no secret that a Scorpio man finds it hard to completely trust every lover he has in his life, but when a cancer woman indulges his mind, body and soul he has no problem letting his walls down so they can build a sexual kingdom together as soulmates.


Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Leigh James.

Congratulations to Leigh James for her new children’s book release, FOR MOMMY SO LOVED YOU, now available on Amazon and Kindle.


Ready to self-publish your book?
Contact us and let’s get started.
Call: 405-367-1141