Category Archive News


Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Patrice Adams

Congratulations to new SelfPublishMe author, Patrice Adams for her new book titled, Now That I’m Saved: What I Found Out | Click Here to Order it Now at Amazon.

Now That I’m Saved: What I Found Out was written to inspire Christians that want to know why things happen to them after choosing to live for the Lord. There was a time when I felt loneliness and sought a man for companionship. Thinking it would fulfill my dreams of a romantic marriage, I finally realized my mistake and returned to God for His guidance.
There are times that may challenge a Christians faithfulness to God. In this book I explore scenarios of temptations that led me astray, along with personal insight on various ways Christians can remain faithful to Him.
One example is the only one that can”fix” us and put us back together “right” is God. God made us in His own image; He is the only one who knows us inside and out.
After all, He is the potter and we are the clay. We say we listen to Him, but do we? We should listen to Him with our spirit. We also should not use our talents for our benefit or glory, but for God, church, and others who may be comforted or helped during our ministering of God given talents.


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Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Chastae´ Collins

Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Chastae´ Collins for her new book titled, Men Lie Women Lie: Bre. Now available on Amazon in “Paperback” and “eBook VERSION”
Bre is a well-known therapist in Oklahoma City who is career driven and good at what she does. She finally leaves her toxic ex, Drew, and is determined to get back to having more fun in life. Soon after the breakup, she meets Blu. Blu is a potential soulmate that makes her feel safe and secure. When Drew comes back into the picture, a night of crazy events make her question her old and new relationships. Will her friends, Lexi and Jessica be there for her or leave her hanging?

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Contact SelfPublishMe and let’s get started.
Call: 405-367-1141


Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Christene McGee Ingram

Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Christene McGee Ingram for her new book titled, “To God Be The Glory—Using Scripture to Overcome Life’s Struggles” Now available on Amazon.

I believe that Jesus set an example for us on how to handle adverse situations. When approached in the wilderness by Satan, each time when responding, Jesus began his sentence with “It is written” and quoted Scripture.

Modeling myself after Him, I began quoting Scripture when I found myself in adverse situations. I applied Scripture when faced with health concerns for myself, for my son, when reminded of my past, and many other situations.

No matter what your situation looks like, we have to learn to say what God says about us. After all, we do have the power of life or death in our tongue (Proverbs 18:21). By our words we can triumph over the enemy. Get in God’s Word! The Word of God is our weapon!

My prayer is that sharing my testimony will awaken the Spirit within you, increasing your desire to dig deeper into Scripture and develop a closer relationship with God.

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Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Alan Washington

Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Alan Washington for his new book titled, “Just Keep Living, Child: Things Change—Things Get Better,” now available on Amazon.

Just Keep Living, Child: Things Change—Things Get Better offers a reflective look at the challenges we all deal with, whether they are self-imposed or inflicted upon us by others. Alan reminds readers that overcoming dark places is not impossible and to experience the miracle for yourself, as the title implies, “Just Keep Living, Child!”


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Contact SelfPublishMe and let’s get started.
Call: 405-367-1141


Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Leigh James

Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Leigh James for her new book titled, “Just a Little While Longer”, now available on Amazon.

Just a Little While Longer chronicles the journey of a single woman praying to God for a child as he responds to her prayers with, “Just a little while longer.” One day, God answers her prayers and blesses her with a child through adoption. As she is cherishing the moments of her child growing up, it’s her who is now saying, “Just a little while longer” to freeze this moment in time.


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Contact SelfPublishMe and let’s get started.
Call: 405-367-1141