Congratulations to SelfPublishMe Author, Nachole Johnson, FNP-BC, for her new book titled, The Highly Paid Nurse: GHOSTWRITER | Click Here to Order it at Amazon!
You love to write and want to write for a living.
There’s just one problem:
You’re a nurse.
And if you’re like most, you make damn good money to put up with bull$hit day in and day out.
Although you love to write, you know the story of the poor writer. You can’t earn a true living from writing that can replace your nursing salary, can you?
One of the best-kept secrets in the writing world that pays extremely well is ghostwriting.
Because of the lack of attribution, writers who ghostwrite can make a lot of money.
If you’re willing to give up your byline and learn the basics of ghostwriting, it can provide you with recurring work all while you make good money while mastering the skill. There are endless opportunities as long as you know where to look and how to market yourself.
In this book, I’ll share secrets so you too can break into this profitable writing niche. Including:
• How to use your background as a nurse to your advantage
• Sources for ghostwriting work
• How to pitch to get your first ghostwriting job
• How to build writing efficiency to make $200+ per hour
• Strategies to market yourself as a ghostwriter
Nothing about starting a new career is easy, but if you’re prepared to put in the work – ghostwriting can easily pull in a 6-figure income.
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Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Connie Rau for her new book titled, Mandy Goes to Mexico | Click Here to Order it Now at Amazon!
Connie Rau has been a singer and songwriter over the past several years. Her passion for projects involving children has brought her success with her MarNee Moose and Friends singalong CDs and a popular children’s book illustrated by VL Durand. Connie once said, “I developed the MarNee Moose character to be a positive influence in children’s lives. They love her—and she loves them back!”
After Connie entered a pre-K lunchroom where animated children waited for lunch in silence, her heart went out to the little ones. “They wanted to talk so badly!” she observed. So the only thing for Connie to do was to write about it on their behalf! Thus, the book, I Wish I Could Talk All The Time.
This latest book, Mandy Goes To Mexico, came about during a family trip to Mexico with her grandkids. It is filled with cousin fun and adventures guaranteed to make everyone laugh and even sigh a little bit.
Connie Rau continues to write about energetic children who provide her much inspiration. “Kids are nonstop and so are their stories!”
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Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Eloise Gray for her new book titled, A Journey Of Women Of Valor: Walking In Faith | Click Here to Order it Now at Amazon!
In this book, Eloies Gray documents the history of a twenty year journey of faith for the Women of Valor conference.
It is her distinct hope that readers gain a fresh revelation of who they are in Jesus.
She further emphasizes how He has made everyone a unique and special child of Heaven, and that you be renewed in your God given purpose.
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Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Maurice Johnson for his new book titled, 369 QUOTES: Words to Inspire and Motivate | Click Here to Order it Now at Amazon.
There are many books filled with quotes by famous scholars, philosophers and the like, yet the desire for motivation, inspiration and insight remains in popular demand. Maurice Johnson has written and compiled 369 personal, thought provoking and insightful quotes for readers to inspire, motivate and share in their daily lives.
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